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English Literature in Secondary Schools

According to the National Curriculum Framework (NCF), English Literature “is to remain part of the core English lessons” (2012, p.xvi). Presently, teachers teaching Years 9, 10 and 11 in secondary schools use three different English Literature syllabi, depending on the achievement levels of their learners.

Teachers of Year 9 follow the Year 9 English literature Guidelines, an interim syllabus, which includes different attainment levels pegged to the three tracks in Year 9.

In general, Year 10 and 11teachers of Track 1 and Track 2 follow the Alternative Literature Syllabus while Track 3 students follow the SEC English Literature Syllabus.

With the upcoming implementation of the Learning Outcomes Framework (LOF) in secondary schools, the teaching, learning and assessment of Literature will be integrated into one syllabus with a seamless progression. Until then, we have provided a summary of the salient points of the current three syllabi mentioned above for teachers’ ease of reference. The file may be downloaded from this page (below) or through the Policies menu.



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