Updated Supporting Documents for scholastic year 2023-24
The Supporting Documents for Years 7-10 have been updated and are now online.
Kindly note the following changes:
In Year 7 & 8:
The list of official textbooks (p.43)
The change in exam time (p.53)
the main written paper will now be 2 hours long (there is now conformity across all year groups)
the listening exam will be done in a separate session (Second session) following a short break after the written paper.
In Year 9:
No reference to MQF levels (but to levels)
The list of official textbooks (p.38)
The reduction of Tasks (p.47) from 12 to 10
The change in exam time (p.55)
the listening exam will now be 20 minutes long (there is now conformity across all year groups) and that the listening exam will be done in the same session following the written paper.
The Level 1-2 Literature exam in Year 9 will now be 1hr 30 minutes (and not 1 hr)
Change in the Speaking Exam (p.55, 56): There will be no visual prompt task
Change in Listening exam (p.55, 56): there will be one listening text (and not two)
In Year 10:
The listening exam will now be 20 minutes long (there is now conformity across all year groups) and that the listening exam will be done in the same session following the written paper.