The Reading Corner at SMC Middle School
by Ms Donnalise Caruana Social media is an important aspect in our present lives, and it became more prominent due to the current situation we are in. This is also true for our students, who are digital learners and readers more than anything else. Thus, I thought of transporting the actual reading corner from the libraries and the classroom libraries, to the medium we are continuously using right now, that is Microsoft Teams.
I asked my students to post a picture of their favourite book or the book they are reading at the moment and write two sentences about it, on the general posts of our classroom team. They were also asked to write to whom they would recommend this book. In that way, they are having the opportunity to share with their friends their reading preferences in a way that they are familiar with. With the aid of this Reading Corner, the students are more likely to get interested in reading books, just because their friends are reading them. Moreover, I also encouraged them to comment on each other’s posts so that they themselves share their thoughts about their friends’ preferences.
I am happy to say that a lot of students were interested in participating in it. Furthermore, Ms Oliva Mifsud had a great idea of handing out certificates to these students and this continued to increase their enthusiasm.
