The Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) are once again available
Teachers who used to employ the RLOs through the iLearn portal may now access an archive of these activities for download. Once unzipped,...

The Reading Corner at SMC Middle School
by Ms Donnalise Caruana Social media is an important aspect in our present lives, and it became more prominent due to the current...

Participation by the SMC Middle School in the Book Champion Schools award
St Margaret’s Middle School Cospicua is once again participating in this competition which has become one of the driving forces of the...

"I Need a Holiday" WebQuest wins EMBED award
Last May, when schools were closed and lessons were delivered remotely, Ms Elaine Xuereb worked on a small task-based project with her...

Two new resources for teachers of English
Ms Leanne Cesare and Ms Cressida Abela have set up The English Teaching Duo Instagram and Facebook pages to share resources with...

Silent Dictation
Ms Cressida Abela and Ms Leanne Cesare did a Silent Dictation with their respective classes.

Video call with classroom in Ghana
Following International Education Day on January 24th, the importance of education as a human right was discussed in class. Through a...

Class 7.1's Chocolate Factory
Class 7.1 at St Margaret College Middle School has been going on a tour of Willy Wonka's Factory for some weeks. We've been through the...

Secondary characters in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"
The students of Ms Oliva Mifsud's 7.1 class are getting to know the characters in the play "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" really...

Catching the criminal
Recently Ms V Jameson's (San Ä orÄ¡ Preca Middle School) Year 7 students had a tough job to complete - they had to find the wanted...